Welcome homie. If you’ve made it thus far, it is likely that we share a common interest. Our team consists of three members who have one thing in common. We love hip hop. The culture, the music, the fashion and every aspect and activity connected to them. Since you’re here, we’ll assume that you do, as well. Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We’re a group of individuals whose passion is their job. We produce grillz, beats, music and share the love via managing this little site for you guys. We have put in an immense amount of effort to scour the market for the best materials for our jewelry and best suppliers for other items. Although the process did get rough along the way, we loved it and enjoyed experimenting with an abundance of different fashion products.


Aside from being able to manufacture, wear, experiment and play around with various products, we actually do have a goal. We wholeheartedly wish to be able to provide our readers and visitors with the most helpful and in-depth reviews for the market’s best and latest grillz and jewelry products. We have gone above and beyond to test and retest each and every one of these. Once we’ve pushed each of these products to the limit, we finally sit down, write our reviews, produce our items or find suppliers to be able to get these products for you.
We sincerely believe that our effort and hard work will help you make a better determination for your money in the long run. If we’re able to do that, we will feel that we’ve truly accomplished something spectacular!


We truly understand that the market is consistently changing. It seems like a new company is releasing a brand new jewelry set each week. We hope to be able to get the best deals on all of these products and provide you with them alongside comprehensive reviews for each. With this in mind, you will want to check back frequently and keep yourself up to date with the latest ongoings in the hip hop fashion industry.
We thank you for taking an interest in us and sincerely hope we’ll be able to make your life a little bit easier in the near future. Be sure to come back often, as the website will be updated frequently.


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Owner: Deez Grillz Inc.